What is Fascia Blasting?
First, let’s understand a little bit about fascia. Fascia- A crucial network that surrounds every cell in our body, much like how soil nourishes a plant. The tools are handheld, non-electric, and meant to be used on bare skin with oil. Unlike traditional devices such as foam rollers, wood tools, percussion guns, Gua Sha, and so on, they don’t target fascia. FasciaBlasters don’t roll, don’t pound, or skim over the surface. Instead, they feature claws that gently “brisk and brush” into the fascia and myofascial tissue. The goal is not to massage but to regenerate the fascia. Our results 1 are more similar to stem cells or Platelet Rich Plasma, which proliferates cells and remodels collagen, 1 than other gadgets on the market for “fascia massage.”
The FasciaBlasting process involves warming the skin, allowing the body to open up naturally. It’s a gradual journey, much like peeling the layers of a cake. You begin with the top layer of fascia, like the icing on a cake, and then, as your body allows, you progress deeper into the actual cake's muscle layers.
Learn more about fascia
Use the linked graphics to determine the current health of your fascia.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase 6
Phase 7